Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Motorcycle Accident

February 10, 2010:

Just as my hubby and I finished the Novena Mass at Baclaran Church when I noticed that I have a missed call and a text saying "Call me, immediately." Upon reading the text message, I hurriedly texted my brother if what is the concern of my father. After 5 minutes of waiting for the reply, i called my father. My brother, Carl, met a terrible motorcycle accident at the zigzag road near Kale Beach in Olongapo City. I was shattered... Didn't know what to do... I finished everything at work until night time.. That was my last day at work with my former Section, before transferring to my new Department (Feb. 14, 2010)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Oh noh! Our little Trishia got sick!!!

It took me this long to continue my blog on our Hongkong Adventure due to unforseen circumstance that had happened last weekend. I only got 4 days left in our office before transferring to my new job (actually I assume work for me here in my current job and there will be the same). Athough not required, I wanted to finish my project before leaving my current job and so I stayed late for work last Friday, February 5, 2010 not knowing that my little Trishia is already sick. I called home around at 530pm just to inform our househod help that I will be late and will just finish 3 more pages of my project. And then she told me that Trishia's having diarrhea and it is her 8th time already from the time we left the house. And so upon hearing that, I wrapped up already and we hurriedy ran to the car. While hubby was driving, I called them again to get ready because we're going to Trishia's pedia to check on her.

Hubby and I decided to go straight to Perpetual Help Hospital in Las Pinas because they won't entertain you until you have your name listed in their notebook (what a crap). You need to go there physically to write the name of the patient. And after doing so, we fetch the kids and the yayas and hurriedly went off to the hospital. We haven't talked to the doctor yet but she already knew the problem. Dra. Principe checked her skin and told us that our little Trishia was already dehydrated. She also said that Trishia needs to be confined for atleast 2 nights. Hubby and were shocked! At first we talked to the doctor and asked if there's anymore options rather than having her confined and giving her IV. Actually, we don't have anymore problems with the confinement because our new Healthcard is better than the last one but what we worry about is that our youngest baby is going to have an IV for 3 days!!! OMG!!! But the doctor said it would be hard for the nurses/ doctors to see her vein if she'll be dehydrated. As a mom, I cried... This was the first time that I will be having one of my daughters be confined in the hospital for 3 days. I did not say any word to the doctor and just brought my daughter to the emergency room half-heartedly. I don't have a choice. I need to be with her along with my husband. I was trying to be brave eventhough a lot of kids were crying because of pain due to the needle that was injected into their fragile body. I tried to route my attention to the Bejeweled Blitz (a game) on my iphone and at the same time putting an earphone to my daughter's ears so she couldn't hear the loud scream of the other children.

We stayed at the emergergency room for almost 2 hours waiting for a vacant room and not to mention my hubby is trying to delay the nurses from putting IV on Trishia's left hand (hehehe). I know deep inside that he also doesn't want Trishia to be confined but he's not talking about it. So when the doctor and the nurses came to give her the IV, he had nothing to do but to held Trishia tight and to divert her from the pain that might caused her. While me and her dad were nervous, we noticed that Trishia didn't have any reactions. She even talked to the nurse. My little Trishia made us stronger. Maybe she doesn't want to see mommy crying.

We then proceeded to our room at about 8pm. Luckily Trishia doesnt mind her hand with a tube attached to it for the IV fluid. At about an hour, she fell asleep. So my husband went back to our house to send Peachy back home with the yayas and for my husband to get some clothes for the duration of the stay. We are expecting to be at the hospital for three days. Husband and I took turns in guarding Trishia during the night.
On Saturday, with two full bottle of IV consumed, Trishia went back to her usual self and all replenished. She become her usual self once again to our relief. During the stay we are contented with eating fast food takeouts. Hoping that the next day will be the time we will be checking out. We were visited by our officemate/friend Brin and Eds and husband Dwight. Eds and Dwight are living in Valenzuela and seeing them makes us treasure more our true friendship. And late a night, her doctor gave us recommendation for discharge. What a relief.

The next day, Sunday, we prepared early morning and pack up. We finished everything, including the bills by 12. We were so hungry and having the thought of losing this weekend and spending it at the hospital makes us even hungrier. So the family decided to eat at, what else, than Mesa in Greenbelt. as if nothing happened, Trishia once again is happy walking and running at the mall.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

HongKong Adventure Part 1

The family is very excited leading up to our short and exciting vacation to Hongkong. And the day finally arrived. We woke up early last Sunday, January 24 to be in the airport. Cebu Pacific's airline is departing from the new Centennial Terminal 3 terminal. Alright, the airport is not actually new "new" but it is obviously the latest airport in Manila. I'm sure it is bigger than the Terminal 2 where Philippine Airlines hold their domestic and international flights. The terminal 3 once operational will inherit all the other airlines at the Old NAIA terminal. So much for the airport. However, we have to point out that there are less hangers-on here and less well wishers or maybe we are early as we are already at the airport by 5-530 in the morning.

We checked in at the counter and there we spotted our travelmates/friends Lara and his husband, Jun and son Cuzz. We planned to have the same flight and same hotel. We encountered no problem at the check-in counter except that we have to turn around again after checking in the luggage to pay the Airport Fee and Travel Tax. So for all Cebu Pacific buyers, yes the ticket is all inclusive but at the airport you still must pay International Travel Tax and Airport Fee if your traveling outside of the coutry. Good thing we dont have to pay for Trisha as she is still free as a minor. However, it will be half for Peachy.

We are going through the process and inspection and we didnt realize that it is already time to board the plane. Well, before doing that, our stomach's are aching and shouting for "food" so we stop at a nearby food stall at the airport and as usual as all other airports, their prices is "airport price" that means it is expensive! imagine a bottle of water for 50 pesos where you can buy it at 10 pesos outside. Good thing we brought breads for the kids. After finishing up our food, we went straight to the plane. Since we have check-in our 2 strollers, we dont have a choice but to carry our heavy little princesses to the plane.

Peachy was seated at the window so she got the best seat in the plane with her view of Manila. She enjoyed it now more than the first plane flight she took when we went to Thailand in 2007. Trisha is seated alternately with us. We first heard Trisha singing with a familiar tune. Not too long that we realized that she is already singing the Manny Villar's campaign ad/song. We are all laughing when we realize that. Manny Villlar is flooding the TV and radio with his ad that even children can memorize his song. Lots of money(million) to spend and burn just for a commercial, just to be a President. Well, it's not surprising anymore.. he is one of the richest man in Asia. After two hours in the air, we finally arrive in HK. The main purpose of our trip is of course to bring the children to Disneynald and enjoy bonding moments. We arrived about 10 minutes earlier than expected so when we are done with immigration, we are all hungry for lunch. What a sight when we spotted a Burger King restaurant at the airport. I know you are asking why eat BK at HK when all the authentic chinese food will be there. I have a better answer for you 1. We love BK 2. It is safer to eat something that you already know and your tounge already knew. 3. This is the airport so fast food must come really fast. And it is already 12 noon and we still dont know how to get to the Hotel.

After consulting with our travelmate, we all decided to ride the Airport Shuttle Train or the Octopus Train to have a better view of the city and to have a safer ride which we had a little regret later on compared to riding in a taxi. So we purchased train card for each one of us. We thought that this Octopus pass can also be used in free train ride when we transfer but we found out too late that we can not. But don't get us wrong we enjoyed the hassle free ride at the train as it is not crowded and the view is great and the train is modern. We are in Kowloon in less than 30 minutes. Now how do we locate the hotel? We thought that from the station we can walk our way towards the hotel but we are wrong. We need to transfer station and pay again. We asked two HK nationals and we are asked to pay 60HK dollar each. We are getting suspicious to we walked away from them. After asking again we realized that there is a free shuttle bus from the train. Argh! we have to drag again our luggages and strollers to the bus at the end of the Station. They said that we have to go down at Park Hotel and from there we can already trace Guandong Hotel. It is really hard where nobody can speak straight English to you. We walked and walked until we saw somebody with a map who can help us. What a relief when we found out that we are just one block apart from the hotel where we will be staying. We are tired with the travel that we hurriedly went to the hotel. We immediately checked-in and zoom to our room where we lay in bed temporarily.

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