Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Honey, you made my life complete.

April 08, 2010: Today marks our 5 years of togetherness with my hubby. I never felt contented and excited about life until I found him. I feel very blessed that God made me a better person because of him. God never missed to give us blessings everyday, but the most important ones are our 2 little girls who made our life more complete.
As I passed by the bookstore, I saw this perfect card for him. Let me quote the words:

For years there was an empty space inside me
that was shaped just like you.
I tried to fill it woth other things
and other people,
but nothing really fit.
It wasn't until
you came unexpectedly into my life
that I realized the space was yours,
and it could only be filled
by your laughter,
your warmth,
your tenderness and love...
(here's the best part)
I was okay before you came along.
My life was full and
I had people I cared about
and who cared about me.
But the space was always there...
always empty
waiting for you.
Now I am more...
more okay, more full, more complete
because you came into my life
and fit so perfectly into that space.
You are my completion
and my forever love.
Happy Anniversary Honey.
And so I dedicate this blog to my husband, my bestfriend, my everything and the only man in my life, Mr. Philip Israel C. Noza! My life won't be complete without you. I am blessed beyond anything I could imagine.

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