Monday, November 9, 2009

Princess Trishia

Princess Trishia was born July 20, 2008. Trishia joined his father as July celebrants, along with his Lolo (the Queen's Father), and Uncle (the Queen's Father) as well as her departed Lola (the King's Mom) and her departed Great Grand Lola (the King's Grandmother). Named Patricia Charlotte, Princess Trishia is already 1 year old. Right now, Trishia is into sports: Golf and baseball (hitting anything with a stick), Basketball (shooting any things that she may grab into any holes she may find), Bowling (sliding any things that may roll) and finally Boxing, well she literally boxes her sister anytime she wants aside from hitting her parents if she likes too.

We havent found out yet what food Trishia likes but she love to drink water and juices and BANANA!!!!. Sometimes she can eat 2 to 3 banana a day. That explains her having a hard time doing her thing in her diaper. If you see her quiet and teary eyed, you bet she already made a Banana Cake hahaha, one that is so hard it can be mistaken as a rock haha.

The youngest of the princess never get tired to hug us each day to show her love and affection. I guess we could spend more time with her...

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